
Corporate Information

  • Head office and principal place of business in the PRC

    8-9/F, Building 1, 
    Research and Development Start-up Building, Software Park, Beifeng Street, 
    Fengze District, Quanzhou, Fujian, PRC

  • Principal place of business in Hong Kong

    40th Floor, Sunlight Tower, 
    No. 248 Queen’s Road East, 
    Hong Kong

  • Company's website address

  • Company secretary

    Ms. Zhang Huan
    Ms. Mak Po Man Cherie

  • Authorised representatives

    Mr. Lan Qiang
    Ms. Mak Po Man Cherie

  • Audit Committee

    Mr. Li Rongkui (Chairman)
    Mr. Xia Qing 
    Mr. Lian Tao

  • Remuneration Committee

    Mr. Lian Tao (Chairman) 
    Mr. Li Rongkui 
    Mr. Huang Dongsheng

  • Nomination Committee

    Mr. Huang Jinshun (Chairman) 
    Mr. Xia Qing 
    Mr. Liao Tao

  • Development and Strategy Committee

    Mr. Huang Jinshun (Chairman) 
    Mr. Xia Qing 
    Mr. Lan Qiang

  • Hong Kong Share Registrar

    Tricor Investor Services Limited

  • Compliance adviser

    China Industrial Securities International Capital Limited

Online customer service
Customer service hotline
0595-22886800 0595-22886800
Service time:
8:30 - 17:30
Customer service group:

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