
The flood control finale in the battle of epidemic warfare

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  • Time of issue:2020-03-19 16:37
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The flood control finale in the battle of epidemic warfare

(Summary description)In March of Yangchun, the new coronary pneumonia epidemic still hindered people's pace of going out, but they could not stop Quanzhou Water Workers from guarding the safety of the flood season. Now the horror is over, Gu Yu is approaching, Quanzhou is facing the test of the flood season, effectively preventing and containing all kinds of safety accidents, and ensuring safe and high-quality water supply during the flood season. Quanzhou water managers entered the "preparatory battle" for the flood early.

  • Categories:Group News
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  • Time of issue:2020-03-19 16:37
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In March of Yangchun, the new coronary pneumonia epidemic still hindered people's pace of going out, but they could not stop Quanzhou Water Workers from guarding the safety of the flood season. Now the horror is over, Gu Yu is approaching, Quanzhou is facing the test of the flood season, effectively preventing and containing all kinds of safety accidents, and ensuring safe and high-quality water supply during the flood season. Quanzhou water managers entered the "preparatory battle" for the flood early.

A safety string is a lifeline. On March 12, Su Xianghua, deputy general manager of Quanzhou Water Group, led a team to the Qingyuan Mountain Scenic Area sewage treatment project constructed by the subsidiary company Lanshen Environmental Protection Company to inspect the flood prevention and flood preparation work. At the site of sewage treatment station projects such as Shitouyan and Qianyunting, Su Xianghua and his party carefully inspected and supervised the flood prevention and flood preparation and various safety production work, and checked the hidden dangers before the flood, the flood prevention emergency plan and the emergency rescue materials preparation, etc. Ask in detail.

At the inspection site, Su Xianghua made a clear request to the project department: While organizing the safe construction, it is necessary to strengthen the organization and leadership, step by step to consolidate responsibilities, pay attention to details, eliminate hidden dangers, and effectively carry out flood prevention and flood preparation. We must strive to make a strong emergency response wherever there is a flood situation and minimize losses.

The gate moves forward, making up for it. On the afternoon of March 13, Li Xiumei, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of Quanzhou Water Affairs Group, led a team to the management station of the Nanqu Water Supply Company, which is an affiliated company, to conduct a pre-flood safety inspection. Li Xiumei and his party inspected the operation and maintenance of important equipment and facilities such as channel cleaners, flood gates, and video monitoring systems on site, spot-checked the operation and use of standby generator sets, and reviewed in detail the internal operations such as the emergency plan for flood control and the self-inspection of flood control and flood preparedness. Materials, and focused on the inspection of flood control materials reserves.

In the subsequent symposium, the inspection team further fully understood the management situation on duty at the management station and affirmed the management of the flood control material warehouse. At the same time, Li Xiumei, a party committee member and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee, provided four feedback points regarding the safety hazards discovered during the on-site inspection: one is to adjust inertial thinking and methods, and the method of cross-checking is adopted to greatly improve the investigation of potential safety hazards; Keep a close eye on pollution sources and risk points, do a good job and do a good job of comprehensively eliminating hidden dangers; Third, prepare flood prevention materials, do not fight unprepared battles, and maintain equipment and facilities; Fourth, do internal prevention and control Under the premise of continuous efforts to meet the new round of flood season test.

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