
Sharpen Youth and Live up to Shaohua ——The First Membership Congress of the Communist Youth League Quanzhou Water Group Co., Ltd. Committee

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  • Time of issue:2020-05-07 17:42
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Sharpen Youth and Live up to Shaohua ——The First Membership Congress of the Communist Youth League Quanzhou Water Group Co., Ltd. Committee

(Summary description)"Spring shines through tempering, and life is sublimated by struggle." On the occasion of the May 4th Youth Day, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent his affectionate messages to the young people across the country. In order to deeply implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi's speech and further unite and condense the youth force of the Water Group, on the morning of May 4, the first congress of the Communist Youth League Quanzhou Water Group Co., Ltd. was convened.

  • Categories:Group News
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  • Time of issue:2020-05-07 17:42
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"Spring shines through tempering, and life is sublimated by struggle." On the occasion of the May 4th Youth Day, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent his affectionate messages to the young people across the country. In order to deeply implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi's speech and further unite and condense the youth force of the Water Group, on the morning of May 4, the first congress of the Communist Youth League Quanzhou Water Group Co., Ltd. was convened.


Xu Yue, deputy secretary of the Quanzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, Li Yiming, member of the Standing Committee of the Quanzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, secretary of the Municipal Working Committee of the municipal government, Su Yinghui, secretary of the system committee of the Municipal SASAC, Su Xianghua, member of the Party Committee of the Water Affairs Group, deputy general manager Su Xianghua and representatives of the delegation attended a total of 68 people. Party committee member and deputy general manager Su Xianghua presided over.

The conference officially kicked off after the ferocious national anthem. At the opening ceremony, Sun Pengjing, leader of the preparatory group of the water conservancy group committee, gave a report on the work of the preparatory group to the conference. The report pointed out that under the care and guidance of the leadership of the higher-level regiments and the water group party committee, and with the joint efforts of the water group group and party work department, the party branch of the organ, and the preparatory group, all the preparatory work is ready, and the conditions for holding are mature and can be held as scheduled A positive and united conference! After the report, Su Yinghui, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Municipal SASAC, read out the relevant approval documents of the Youth League Committee of the Municipal SASAC regarding the establishment of the Youth League Committee of the Water Group.

Xu Yue, deputy secretary of the Quanzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, delivered a congratulatory message to the meeting and put forward several requirements and hopes for the work of the Communist Youth League of the Group. First, we must keep up with the pulse of the times, clarify the new goals of team building, and keep in mind the mission of water development for the people, and the demand for the growth of young people; Second, we must master good skills, highlight the new style of youth, and young people in water should cherish it. Youthful years, constantly accumulating experience, tempering will, and growing talents; Third, we must promote the development of enterprises, base on the new role of posts, and take the production and operation of service enterprises as the premise to find the integration point of service enterprises and service youth.

Su Xianghua, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of the Water Group, expressed warm congratulations on the successful convening of the meeting, and cordial greetings to the majority of the youth of the League members. Based on the actual situation of the Water Group, three hopes were put forward: First, to play a role and firmly believe. Unswervingly use communist ideals, beliefs and spirit to educate members and youth. The second is to improve the system and inherit the past. It is necessary to timely implement the relevant work deployed by the higher-level Youth League Committee, strengthen the supervision and guidance of the Youth League organizations at all levels of the Group, and comprehensively improve the construction level, cohesion and appeal of the Youth League organizations. The third is to ask the service center to act. League members and young people should be courageous and responsible, strengthen the cultivation of safety responsibility awareness and quality service awareness, and combine the inheritance of fine traditions with the courage to innovate.

At the meeting, the draft electoral measures, the scrutineers, the tellers, the candidates for the Youth League Committee, etc. were considered and approved and voted for. Jiang Weimiao, a member of the preparatory group of the Water Affairs Youth League Committee, presided over the election.

The conference strictly followed the requirements of the "Articles of Association of the Communist Youth League of China" and the "Election Rules for the Primary Organization of the Communist Youth League", listened to the preparatory work report, and elected the first committee. At the first plenary meeting of the first committee to be held later, Comrade Sun Pengjing was elected as the secretary of the Communist Youth League, and Jiang Weimiao and Chen Yajing were elected as deputy secretaries of the Youth League.

At the meeting, all the members of the delegation sang "Glorious!" The singing of the Chinese Communist Youth League ended successfully. The convening of this conference marked the progress of Quanzhou Water Group and the Communist Youth League of the affiliated enterprises to a new level. The Youth League Committee of Water Affairs Group will give full play to the role of the bridge of the Youth League organization, guide the youth of water affairs to hold the regimental flag with the party, move forward and live up to Shaohua, write a new chapter of water affairs with a more exuberant fighting spirit and fuller enthusiasm. !

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