
"Wisdom" operation and maintenance decentralized pollution control Rural sewage turned into irrigation water

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  • Time of issue:2020-01-10 17:51
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"Wisdom" operation and maintenance decentralized pollution control Rural sewage turned into irrigation water

(Summary description)In Quanzhou’s work to win the “Blue Water Defense War”, grassroots water pollution control is an important part. In Yangen Village, Majia Town, Luojiang District, the domestic sewage there has not entered the sewage treatment plant, but the residents’ domestic sewage is While transforming into greening irrigation water, the local environment has also become more beautiful. How can this be done?

  • Categories:Media reports
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  • Time of issue:2020-01-10 17:51
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Wireless Quanzhou Report

In Quanzhou’s work to win the “Blue Water Defense War”, grassroots water pollution control is an important part. In Yangen Village, Majia Town, Luojiang District, the domestic sewage there has not entered the sewage treatment plant, but the residents’ domestic sewage is While transforming into greening irrigation water, the local environment has also become more beautiful. How can this be done?

The blue sky and clear water, the green grass and the green grass, the sewage treatment station in the student street area of ​​Yangen University near Huinu Reservoir, is like a small garden, and Xu Zhixian is the operation and maintenance staff of this "garden-style" sewage treatment project. After the completion of the treatment project, he will conduct spot checks on the sewage water quality at regular intervals.



Xu Zhixian, the project leader of the Operation and Maintenance Department of Lanshen Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. in Fujian Province: This bottle is the influent of sewage, that is, it passes through the student street above, and there are some domestic sewage that villagers usually have. Then this bottle is processed by the sewage treatment station. The finished effluent. After the water quality treatment is completed, the water can reach the urban sewage treatment plant. The pollutant discharge standard is level A. It can be used for some greening irrigation of the surrounding villagers, as well as watering vegetables. The level A standard is better than the greening irrigation standard. Still high.

In the past, domestic sewage from Yangen University and surrounding villages was discharged into Yangen Lake without treatment, and eventually flowed into Huinu Reservoir. In order to avoid environmental pollution, Quanzhou Water Group adopts a decentralized pollution treatment model to treat domestic sewage.



Ms. Su, a villager in Yang'en Village, Majia Town, Luojiang District: In the past, sewage was discharged into a temporary ditch, and sometimes it was blocked. Like in winter, there are many restaurants, and its oil is discharged into the septic tank, so it is blocked. Now, there is no smell. Here you see everything including sanitation is environmentally friendly.

How does domestic sewage and catering wastewater turn into irrigation water? The mystery lies in "Blue Deep Tank" and "Blue Deep Cloud". "Blue Deep Tank" is a professional sewage treatment equipment developed based on efficient biodegradation and membrane filtration technology. "Blue Deep Cloud" intelligent operation and maintenance platform, Just like the "brain" of the whole set of equipment, the operation and maintenance personnel turn on the mobile phone to realize real-time monitoring, remote management and intelligent maintenance of the project.

Zhang Jin, deputy general manager of Fujian Lanshen Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.: Last year (2018), together with the team led by academician Gao Congchang, a team of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, we established the first academician workstation in Quanzhou. At present, we have taken advantage of the complementary piece between us, and established our Lanshen Environmental Protection Research Institute, which has introduced high-end talents to continuously inject new vitality into our Lanshen Environmental Protection (core) equipment.



At present, in the planning and construction of rural sewage treatment, there are problems such as "different standards, small monomers, and large numbers", and market competition is disorderly. Promoting a decentralized domestic sewage treatment model will help to better solve the problems left over by history and improve the effectiveness of governance. At present, this pollution control model has been promoted in some service areas of Quanxia Expressway, Fuquan Expressway and Shenhai Expressway, as well as Qingyuan Mountain Scenic Area, Dehua, Quangang and Hui'an of our city.

Zhang Jin, deputy general manager of Fujian Lanshen Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.: Our focus is to adopt the ultimate goal of achieving the standard, and then manage the operation and overall construction, and then use our Lanshen technology and technology to learn from the wisdom of management. Advantages to contribute to our water environment (control) in Quanzhou.

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