
Letter to customers

  • Categories:Lanshen News
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  • Time of issue:2020-02-05 02:13
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Letter to customers

(Summary description)Dear customers, partners, friends from all walks of life: Hello! On this special New Year's day, we first of all express our holiday greetings and sincere thanks to you for your long-term trust and support!

  • Categories:Lanshen News
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  • Time of issue:2020-02-05 02:13
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Dear customers, partners, friends from all walks of life:


On this special New Year's day, we first of all express our holiday greetings and sincere thanks to you for your long-term trust and support!

At present, the national outbreak of pneumonia in the prevention and control of new coronavirus infection has entered a critical period. In order to resolutely implement the strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council for epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely implement the relevant regulations for epidemic prevention and control at all levels of local governments, we should do a good job in joint prevention and control, effectively reduce the flow of personnel, and stop the spread of the epidemic. The arrangement is as follows:

1. According to the deployment requirements for epidemic prevention and control in Fujian Province, our company's resumption time is: February 10, 2020 (17th January, Monday). The resumption time of branches and Quangang and Xingyuan factories in all regions shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the local government. During this period, we will strictly follow the requirements, make daily epidemic situation, personnel information statistical investigation, resumption of work security materials preparation and related arrangements to ensure safe and orderly resumption of all employees.

2. During the epidemic prevention and control period, we will follow the national ministries and commissions and relevant local government's overall arrangements for epidemic prevention and control and post- festival production recovery, carry out daily work through remote office, and do our best to continue to provide services to our customers. If the relevant personnel are required to be in place or provide on-site services due to special circumstances, we will strictly follow the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control, and properly carry out the relevant procedures and ensure safety protection.

3. For projects with urgent progress, the project leader will maintain active communication with customers and relevant parties. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions to resolve. We will keep your contact information on mobile phones, emails, WeChat and other channels open to ensure that we respond to your needs as soon as possible. In extraordinary times, our responsiveness may be affected by the epidemic in varying degrees. We apologize for this and hope you understand. "Integrity, efficiency, and due diligence" has always been our philosophy, please believe that we will do our utmost to ensure your interests.

Finally, thank you again for your long-term trust, understanding and support!

We believe that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and with our joint efforts, we will be able to win this "people's war" against the epidemic!

Let us fight together and overcome the difficulties! Go China!


Fujian Lanshen Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

February 5, 2020

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