
Persevere to strengthen supervision and inspection

  • Categories:Group News
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  • Time of issue:2020-04-09 17:34
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Persevere to strengthen supervision and inspection

(Summary description)In order to coordinate the prevention and control of epidemic situation and work safety, and create a good and safe social environment, the party secretary and chairman Jin Shun of Quanzhou Water Group held three consecutive safe productions on March 16, March 23 and March 30. The special work meeting was attended by Zhang Jiabin and Su Xianghua, members of the party committee and deputy general manager of the group, and Li Xiumei, member of the party committee and secretary of the disciplinary committee. The meeting communicated and learned the relevant documents of the Municipal Security Committee, the spirit of the relevant meetings of the Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government on production safety, and related deployment requirements, and arranged the Group's recent work on safety production.

  • Categories:Group News
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  • Time of issue:2020-04-09 17:34
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Be alert at all times

Quanzhou Water Group convened three special meetings on work safety in succession

In order to coordinate the prevention and control of epidemic situation and work safety, and create a good and safe social environment, the party secretary and chairman Jin Shun of Quanzhou Water Group held three consecutive safe productions on March 16, March 23 and March 30. The special work meeting was attended by Zhang Jiabin and Su Xianghua, members of the party committee and deputy general manager of the group, and Li Xiumei, member of the party committee and secretary of the disciplinary committee. The meeting communicated and learned the relevant documents of the Municipal Security Committee, the spirit of the relevant meetings of the Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government on production safety, and related deployment requirements, and arranged the Group's recent work on safety production.

Huang Shun, the party committee secretary and chairman of the group, put forward requirements for the work safety of the group's headquarters and its subsidiaries:

First, we must fully implement responsibilities. We must attach great importance to work safety, strengthen safety management and investigation of hidden dangers, establish problem lists and rectification accounts. Group departments and departments must fully perform their linked duties, sink to the linked enterprises, urge the rectification of problems, and ensure the number-by-item sales. According to the main points of the Group's safety work in 2020, all the safety production work throughout the year should be implemented.

Second, we must implement the problem rectification. Establish a ledger, implement rectification in a timely manner, earnestly implement the "five places" of rectification measures, responsibilities, funds, time limits and plans for the problem, sign and confirm it step by step, and achieve closed-loop management.

Third, we must strengthen publicity and education. Effectively implement the safety production responsibilities, and convey the spirit and work requirements of the relevant safety production work documents issued by the provincial and municipal governments and relevant departments such as the Security Office, SASAC and the Group to every employee.

Fourth, we must further improve the safety production emergency plan, strengthen emergency plan drills, improve emergency handling and coordination capabilities, and improve the Group's emergency management level.

In addition, in order to help and coordinate, promote, and supervise the implementation of large-scale investigations and rectification of the ownership enterprises, the Group has established a system of links between departments and affiliated enterprises.

Go straight to the line without stopping

Quanzhou Water Group's work safety inspection and rectification work are under continuous supervision

Safety responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai. From March 24th, Quanzhou Water Group set up four supervision groups led by the group leaders according to the implementation plan for the large-scale investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in production safety. Intermittent supervision, inspection and guidance.

This action is mainly to carry out full-coverage supervision and guidance on the large-scale investigation and rectification of hidden safety hazards carried out by the ownership enterprises and the recent stage of safe production, to ensure that all work measures are put in place, and to further improve the level of safe production. Consolidate the effectiveness of investigation and rectification of safe production in the ownership enterprises.

During the large-scale investigation and rectification work, the inspection team checked the implementation status of the ownership enterprises one by one against the safety production supervision and inspection table, proposed rectification measures and rectification time limits, and emphasized that each ownership enterprise should effectively take the main responsibility, and the main responsible person should always Tighten the string of safety, implement relevant measures such as flood prevention and preparedness, epidemic prevention and control, resumption of production and resumption of production, and investigation of hidden safety hazards, and work hard on the remediation of hidden safety hazards, and strictly control the safe production of resumption of production.

In the next stage of work, Quanzhou Water Group will do a good job of implementing the responsibility of the main production safety of its own enterprises and subordinate enterprises, adopt the "four not two straight" approach, continue to carry out uninterrupted supervision and inspection of the ownership enterprises, and promptly urge the rectification of hidden dangers. By analogy, focus on key areas and key parts, establish and improve a full-length management mechanism to ensure that rectification problems do not rebound.

Learn to apply, focus on key points

Quanzhou Water Affairs Group carries out enterprise safety production management personnel training

Safe production concerns thousands of households and is the foundation for ensuring the stable development of society. According to the requirements of the Party Committee of the Group on March 23, the Quanzhou Water Group organized a special training meeting for enterprise safety production management personnel on March 27. At the meeting, Zhang Jiabin, member of the party committee and deputy general manager of the group, interpreted the safety production documents of the relevant departments of the provincial, municipal government, municipal safety committee, SASAC and the group, the content of the main responsibility of the production and operation unit, the job safety responsibilities and the recent safety Essentials of production.

The training objects include the group's chief engineering office, the second-level enterprise safety production in charge leaders, the head of the safety management department, and the third-level (four-level) enterprise safety production in charge leaders. The purpose of this training session is to help all affiliated companies to better implement the work arrangements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government on the large-scale investigation and remediation of safety hazards and the "100-day remediation" action on house safety, and further improve the safety production management level of each enterprise. And the awareness of management personnel to enhance the ability to supervise and manage accident hazards, and fundamentally prevent and reduce production safety accidents.

The meeting pointed out the main points of the recent work of the Group and its affiliated companies:

First, proceed from the overall situation, with solid work style, perfect promotion measures, and strong organizational leadership, take safety production as an important content of daily production and operation management; second, for the investigation of hidden dangers, we must establish a ledger and implement it effectively Rectification, strengthen problem rectification, supervision and review, so that it can be retrospected and traceable; third, we must strengthen publicity, practically implement safety production responsibilities, so that we can recognize the thoughts, staff, and safety measures; fourth, do a good job of submitting materials To check the existing problems and the implementation of the rectification, and report it if there is an update; Fifth, strengthen the large-scale investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in production safety, and effectively achieve the "five places" for problem rectification.

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