
Realize detailed and supervise the work, implement the safety responsibility for landing ——Group Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office urges the city water company to implement safety

  • Categories:Group News
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  • Time of issue:2020-04-14 17:36
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Realize detailed and supervise the work, implement the safety responsibility for landing ——Group Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office urges the city water company to implement safety

(Summary description)Recently, the Group Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office has implemented the work arrangements of the Party Committee and Group Discipline Committee of the Group, focused on the main responsibilities and the main business, effectively relied on the previous supervision, actively sank the enterprise, deeply understood the business development of the owned company, promoted further improvement of the work style, and strengthened the responsibility for the implementation of the work. Actively promote the benign development of the enterprise's political ecology, and ensure that the work of the group's party committees is implemented in an accurate manner.

  • Categories:Group News
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2020-04-14 17:36
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Peer-to-peer supervision

Recently, the Group Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office has implemented the work arrangements of the Party Committee and Group Discipline Committee of the Group, focused on the main responsibilities and the main business, effectively relied on the previous supervision, actively sank the enterprise, deeply understood the business development of the owned company, promoted further improvement of the work style, and strengthened the responsibility for the implementation of the work. Actively promote the benign development of the enterprise's political ecology, and ensure that the work of the group's party committees is implemented in an accurate manner.

Face-to-face communication and coordination

The personnel of the Group's Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office went to the municipal water company to learn about the implementation of safety production and promote the implementation of the major investigation and rectification work of the hidden dangers of the safety production of the Water Division, and held an on-site work promotion meeting to convey the spirit of the group's special work meeting on safety production, emphasizing that "five "Zai Zai": "Re-learning of documents, re-emphasis of emphasis, redeployment of work, refinement of measures, and improvement of effectiveness", requiring the Water Division to give full play to the role of the leadership team, to form a joint work of co-management, and actively carry out investigations of hidden dangers in production safety Special rectification work should be carried out to align the existing tables with the existing problems.

Promote work

A few days ago, the city water company set up a leading group for the 100-day hard work of safety production, specially communicated the requirements of meetings and documents, formulated a work plan and established a hidden danger ledger, clarified the responsible person, formulated a rectification plan, and strictly followed the "five implementation" requirements for the rectification of hidden safety hazards To carry out comprehensive self-examination in depth. From March 13 to the present, the municipal water company has held a total of 2 special production safety conferences, organized 8 safety inspections in a centralized manner, and cooperated with superior departments for 4 inspections. Each subsidiary has carried out daily 100-day house renovations and hazardous chemicals Storage, construction sites under construction, fire protection, pipeline network patrol, and other safety inspections, a total of 19 hidden dangers were found and 19 have been rectified.

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